Gen-Z fitness Guide

Easiest Way to Fitness

Aayu Kharbanda
2 min readOct 10, 2021

Your body is in its natural healthiest state at the age of 15 to 35 and This is the time to build your personal and professional life. This article is the bare easy guide to stay sufficiently healthy without much effort.

Status Check

The checklist to measure if you are healthy or not

· You can bend over to touch your ankles (not your feet) — Flexibility

· You can run more than 2 km without stopping — Stamina

· You only need <9 hours of sleep to function perfectly. — Energy

· You can lift up to 15 kg of weight with both hands. — Strength

Skip the Hype

In these 2 decades, most of us will be just fine without putting in efforts like:-

· Following a strict diet

· Doing workout everyday or going to the gym

· Doing flexibility routines


Some people might be having some medical conditions that require them to take medicines, do prescribed workout routines, and take a certain diet.

Maintenance Hacks

You only need to follow these easy steps to stay at maximum productivity

· Reduce Intoxications — Alcohol, Tobacco, and other drugs

· Reduce processed sugar and processed salt— Chips, Wafers, Candies, etc.

· Increase raw fruit and vegetable intake

· Eat only when hungry not when it is lunch/dinner time

· Walk when talking on call or while listening to music

· Reduce continuous sitting time

· Don’t skip breakfast

· Drink water when bored/lazy instead of eating junk


The two decades from 15–35 are meant for mental growth and your body plays a supporting role. You can keep the body sufficiently healthy by small maintenance hacks and you need not chase fitness goals. You must understand that after 35 you will need to put extra effort in form of medications, dedicated workouts, and restricted diets to stay fit, so you must enjoy the privilege of a healthy body in these 20 years.



Aayu Kharbanda

An ambitious guy trying to disrupt education industry.