5-minute rules
What can you do if you have 5 minutes?
These 5-minute rules can help you reduce your work backlog, stay constantly energized, avoid procrastination and be a great speaker. Read ahead to know-how.
5 min rule for pains
If a task can be done in 5 minutes then do it now. For example: Composing and Sending an email, applying for an online job, Sharing your achievements on social media, and so on. Don’t push these tasks for later. Pro Tip — Try to do tasks of size 10 min or less under 5 minutes. Do quick bursts of productivity.
5 min rule for pleasures
Evenly spread out sweet pills of pleasure throughout the day. These pills are small moments of joy. For example — Scrolling social media, talking to a friend, Watching entertaining content, etc. Split them into small bites of 5 minutes each and take them at a regular interval to keep you energized through the day.
5 min rule for procrastination
Do the first 5 minutes of a large task. Instead of looking at the overall size of a task just aim to do it for 5 minutes. For example — If reading a book seems hard, just convince yourself to read for 5 minutes. These 5 minutes will grow to 10, then to 100 minutes. The first 5 minutes are the hardest and are the reason for procrastination.
5 min rule for speech
In any conversation, speech, or presentation Never speak for more than 5 minutes continuously. People can’t pay attention to a monologue for more than 5 minutes. If you have to speak for that long use props, use visuals, use vocal variety, use storytelling or use gestures to keep the audience engaged for longer.
5 min or 300 seconds is a beautiful duration that can help you win in life. To summarise the 4 applications of the 5 min rule
· Bear 5 min pains
· Break into 5 min pleasures
· Begin with the first 5 minutes of work
· Best speeches are under 5 minutes